대한무역투자진흥공사 투자홍보 전문위원, 한국전력공사 최초 외국인 임원 등 화려한 이력을 뽐내는 Sample & Park Consulting 대표 Todd Sample. 그의 21년 한국 생활을 돌아보며, 남들이 부러워하는 길을 걸어오던 그가 다시금 새로운 출발선에 서서 도전했던 스타트업 이야기와 노하우를 나누는 자리를 마련했습니다.
행사는 영어로 진행됩니다. 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다 ^^
○ 일시 : 2017. 10. 16.(월) 14:00~17:00
○ 장소 : 서울창업카페 홍대점(재단법인 홍합밸리 내 공간)
○ 신청 : http://hhv.or.kr/GlocalWtTodd
○ 강사 : Todd Sample, Sample & Park Consulting 대표
○ 문의 : contact@honghapvalley.org / 02-337-1314
On 16th October, Todd Sample will share his experience as startup in Korea.
During his 22 years in Korea, he has gone from working at high-level positions at KOTRA and KEPCO to starting several businesses in retail, food and consulting. He is also regularly invited by some of Korea’s largest companies to lecture on business culture, strategy and new opportunities. Based on his unique experience and fluency in the Korean language and culture, in short, Todd is one of Korea’s very few “outsiders on the inside.”
Event will proceed in English.
○ Date and time : October 16, 2017 (Mon) 14:00 to 17:00
○ Location : Seoul Startup Cafe in Hongdae, Honghap Valley Foundation
○ Lecturer : Todd Sample, CEO of Sample & Park Consulting
○ Apply : http://hhv.or.kr/GlocalWtTodd